The recent Covid Pandemic drove a wedge between us as we protected through isolation, distancing and masking. So we dove head first into the virtual trance-like world. I believe it became addictive for many of us and continues to distract us from actual connection.
Meanwhile, anxiety, depression and violence have become way too prevalent.
And why is that true? Because all the ways we can be together have shrunk into a shadow of our true selves.
Life offers us so much possibility for joy, creativity, love when we free up those capacities by using choice to steer us there.
And that is my mission statement, to inspire, support and offer tools so that we may find our way forward into loving joyous connections with healthy boundaries, speaking our truth with sensitivity and living our purpose.
Let’s partner and bring your longing to expand in every life arena. Learn to trust your inner spirit as guide to living creatively with each other: to spill over with innovative ideas at work, with time for play at home and family and with artistic adventures you’ve only dreamed about.
Workshop for your team at work
Synchronize your head, heart and hips! Hips, as in “dantian”, the grounding center of the abdomen used in the martial arts, connects us with the core of the Earth for feeling safe.
Heart, the source of our feelings, our truth and our wisdom.
Head, the conceptual center, looking out at the outer world and having our communication with it.
Let’s look at when to unplug, prioritize guilt-free downtime & still be productive.
Contact Salena for a free Discovery call