Questions many of us are asking:
How do we best navigate the current tumultuous waters of political divisiveness, economic and environmental crises and the attending fear that arises?
How do we keep or get healthy under such stresses?
How do we shore up our spirit, keep going and even reach for our dreams?
I am finding solace and even inspiration from varied sources that give me reference to living from soul alignment.
In a YouTube video with physicist John Hagelin, Ph.D. called The Physics of Consciousness, I absorb from his brilliant and well articulated description, an understanding of the Unified Field Theory as the ground of being, and how the more I release my mind into that, the more freedom I have to affect my reality.

Could it be that these interesting times are loaded with a challenge for all of us? That how we choose to relate, perceive and interpret this moment in history is just that: our Choice!?
Each of us affects the reality we share with our very thoughts and attending emotions. Since the new physics, Quantum Mechanics, teaches us that we are vibrational beings in one great universal ocean of consciousness, then what we put into the soup is an essential ingredient to life's flavors. Buy into the fear based negativity and we get a bitter brew...add the deeper knowings of love, joy, connection, peace, and the results will shift towards greater palatability...and ultimately, ambrosia.
Deepak Chopra in his book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, says, “You, right this minute, stand at the growing tip of evolution. The next thing you think, the next action you take will either create a new possibility for you, or will repeat the past.”
One of my passions is healthy, delicious, beautiful food...locally grown and lovingly prepared.
When I take the time to design my meals with care, I feel a sense of well being coming from my very soul. As it turns out, eating smart can have profound health benefits. There is a TedX Talk on video with Dr. Terry Wahls called Minding Your Mitochondria. She is a physician who developed multiple sclerosis, an incurable disease of the brain cells. After years of standard medical procedures to slow it down, her symptoms abated dramatically with a shift to a diet that truly nourishes the cells. This is wonderful news because the more we opt for genuine food offered up by nature and nurtured by natural and organic means, the more our cells will thank us and protect themselves from the onslaught of pollutants....and even genetic predispositions! Lynne McTaggart writes in her book The Bond: “Genes get turned on, turned off or modified by our life circumstances and environment (epigentics): what we eat, who we surround ourselves with and how we lead our lives.”
Besides dietary matters, there is the joy readily waiting in the wings. So let's follow the beckoning heart and what makes it sing!